
My name is Aline, and I am an illustrator from Florianópolis, Brazil :D

I know I draw, and paint since I was a little kid - I always loved to draw cute animals, and elements from nature. I grown up riding my bike with my brothers through forest, beaches, and everywhere three young kids could explore during the day. Also, I spent a lot of time watching Disney movies, anime, and playing video games with my brothers - and I believe all that little things maybe had some influence in my decision to keep inside the illustration world.

After finishing school, I started my Design studies at the Federal University of Santa Catarina back in 2010. Before my graduation I spent one year as an exchange student at the uOttawa in Canada. While I was studying in there I had English, and Visual Arts classes, and also worked as an intern at the University Press.

Coming back home, and after my graduation at the university in 2016, I spent one more year studying drawing, digital painting, and art for animation. I started to work in an animation studio as an illustrator back in 2017. After that, many new opportunities to keep working with illustration, and digital art appeared in my path. I loved to work with animation for children, and it was an amazing opportunity to learn about the process involving the creation of a whole episode. After leaving the studio in the end of 2019, I spent a time working only with commissions.

I wanted to have the experience of working as a freelancer, and for myself for a period of time, so I found some great projects to work with - including an animation show creating the backgrounds, and also another project that I worked creating the art for an iPad, and iPhone game. During this period I got the chance to find a new job at the company OP Games, where I worked as a 2D Artist from October 2021 to July 2023.

If you have any curiosity, question or anything, please just send me a message :D  

And thank you so much for reading all that!

I wish you a wonderful day!

Aline :)

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